Weepy’s Parting Gift to Sis APRIL (Missing Weepy One Month Later)

   WEEPY Leaves Big Gift to Sis April Still difficult for us here with Weepy on our minds, but it’s a little better  with time.  Just happened to find these older pictures, above, without even trying.. was meant to be. They do Weepy a little better justice – as I said it can be difficult taking pictures of a black cat… Was thinking of the many things Weepy left us… including a new low protein, high fat food we...

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Living, Loving and Dying with Beloved Pet(s) – Tribute To Weepy

Life Without Weepy – One Week Later more @ http://wwwyellowpagescouponsnet.blogspot.com Life Without Weepy – One Week Later           It’s been incredibly difficult without Weepy. Hard to stay in the house without his presence. I try to do all the things they tell you to do like exercizing, keeping busy, talking with friends, getting out, etc.  I try to rationalize Weepy’s loss…e.g. it was his time, or, ...

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                                             We lost Weepy this morning, April 2, about 5 a.m. after he put  up a great fight against the ‘double whammy of heart and kidney failure. He was about 17 years old. It had been quite a challenge as heart  and kidney disease work against each other, but Weepy was able to stabilize and have his usual quality  of life for another month and a half.   Weepy was...

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Weepy was there for me during over a decade of loss and now he’s been given a ‘double whammy’

WEEPY Watching intently from inside as Squirrel hangs from bird feeder   WEEPY (below) with big, little sister, April above Weepy’s been my faithful companion, along with April during the entire period during which I lost my family members . I acquired Weepy around 1998, as a companion for 20 year old April. The next year I lost my sister to cancer and within the next five years my brother and sister and four young cats,...

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20 Year Journey from Wild to Loving Feline Friend

20 Year Journey from Wild to Loving Feline Friend – April’s Back!    STORY DETAILS COMING SOON   STORY TO COME –  Loving  Feline Friend April – STAY TUNE     Comeback story of April – pet food – Martha Stewart – Pet Smart Loving Feline Friend

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