Click here to subscribe to mailing list NATIONAL DOG DAY “A dog is man’s best friend” (GO AHEAD AND ADD ‘WOMEN’S, TOO’…editors note) National Dog Day is observed annually on August 26th.. This day encourages dog ownership of all breeds, mixed and pure, and embraces the opportunity for all dogs to live a happy, safe and “abuse-free life”. Dogs give us companionship, they keep us safe and they aid those in...
Remembering Stormy 5 Years Later – He Overcame Abuse to Become Superstar
Five years later Stormy is as present in our minds as ever. An abused rescued Lab, Stormy overcame much of that abuse and became the most wonderful friend and soulmate to Mindy and myself. Everyone loved Stormy and, frankly, we (I) was thinking especially of him this day and his preciousness and sudden loss when Mindy reminded me that it was exactly five years ago today that we lost him. Amazing how those thoughts crop back into our...
Great Dogs and Pets In Part A Product of Their Humans’ Care, Attention
$30 Off Your $100 Purchase with CODE: save30 Joan’s self-drawn portrait of Roscoe, her white terrier and last dog, along with Pucky, below. Roscoe proudly looks down on Joan in Burt’s living room The ‘Amazing’ Pucky , above, during several of her travels with us, and with Roscoe, above Remembering Joan Through Her Dogs Roscoe and Pucky on Her Birthday We thought this year , to remember Joan, on...
Smart Pet Tricks (and Tips) for Your Overweight Cat or Dog
20% off Any Purchase over $60 LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Sign Up for our FREE Weekly Updates of not only Everything Animals but Tips for Success, Deals and Discounts and some oldies but goodies… Click here to subscribe to mailing list Smart Pet Tricks (and Tips) for Your Overweight Cat or Dog SMART PET TRICKS! Since David Letterman’s gone we thought we’d start up our own Smart Pet Tricks! Zack (Fat Cat) Works...
Recalling RECKLESS, Noted War Horse
Brave, Smart Little Horse Amazing Warrior in Korean War JOHN WILKINSON | MAY 25, 2015 Horse Collaborative Win a New Tack Trunk Stocked with Our Editors’ Favorite Supplies! In 1997, Life Magazine created a special edition listing the 100 greatest heroes of all time. This list included George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and a horse, named Reckless. The year was 1952. Not even a decade removed from WWII, The...