Remembering Stormy 5 Years Later – He Overcame Abuse to Become Superstar

Five years later Stormy is as present in our minds as ever. An abused rescued Lab, Stormy overcame
much of that abuse and became the most wonderful friend and soulmate to Mindy and myself.
Everyone loved Stormy and, frankly, we (I) was thinking especially of him this day and his preciousness and sudden loss when Mindy reminded me that it was exactly five years ago today that we lost him. Amazing how those thoughts crop back into our minds. I only wish I was better at remembering important dates like this, myself, however I don’t like to get bogged down too much with numbers either. Thankfully, Mindy reminded so we can make this remembrance on the exact day.


No need for Stormy to be a superstar but he was and that day at the Petaluma American Graffitifest punctuated the special doggy  that was Stormy. Though modest, he was the center of attention in his ‘doggles’ and cool hat . Didn’t go a minute without someone coming up to him and taking his picture or commenting. But, Stormy was always a superstar , whether entertaining folks or just at home his modest persona.


How fast it seems our furry friends can come and go. Enjoy every moment we say. Now, Mindy has Hershey, as she could not live without another Labby friend. He’s not Stormy, but he’s wonderful in his own way. Stormy will live on, in our hearts as will Amber and all our furry friends. Thanks for caring and sharing Stormy Moros II.  He will always be with us as will your won favorite furry friends.

Author: admin

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