Welcome Julius! ‘How wonderful!! somehow I think Ornji is smiling down,enjoying that his kingdom now shared with Julius’

The Orange Cat Kingdom now in good hands with Julius. While Ornji is still greatly missed- and always will be- we are very fortunate to have Orange Julius now looking after what Ornji (and Zack)  have done so well…and others before them.


‘How wonderful!! Burt, somehow I think Ornji is smiling down and enjoying that his kingdom can now be shared with Julius.’ – AS, Next Door  as we welcome Julius


We appreciate all the comments (see below, using only initials) and support we have been getting with our new adoptee, Orange Julius. Julius has been a fixture in the Saranap village of Walnut Creek – one of the most beloved ‘neighborhood cats.’  Hardly a stray or feral, Julius was ‘shared’ by many over many years, but at the age of 10+ most realized that it was time for Julius to have a real, indoor home… and now, especially, after  learning that he has ‘hypothyroidism’, parasites and perhaps hearing loss. In less than a week Julius seems to have taken to his new home only a mile or two away  in St. Mary’s Estates , quickly adapting to his new digs, litter box, special diet (for hypothyroidism) and all. He has already ‘graduated’ to the whole house as he is let out from his private pe(n)thouse to explore the greater indoor kingdom several times a day when Zack is in his room. The only challenges left are to keep Julius as healthy as possible and  to see that Zack and Julius will, hopefully, get along when formally introduced sometime down the road; from our experience both shouldn’t be a big problem.



Julius close up. There’s something about orange cats. Iwas once told they’re especially friendly and mellow; Julius certainly fits the bill

BELOW IS THE COMMENT STRING from NEXT DOOR  going back to the day we adopted  Julius (July 3, 2017) and the mostly nice comments that followed. But for much more of the story when Julius may have had to endure during just one month of probably years of being homeless, scroll down to the next string of comments at bottom/ Incredible

Post in Lost & Found  

(NEXT DOOR Comments – Editor’s Note: We have only used initials to help protect privacy but if any of you want our coments entirely deleted just let us know)

Joseph Smigelski


J S- 

Julius the Cat has found a home.

Someone came by my house just a few minutes ago and adopted Julius. editor’s note:that was me, burt)

New1 reply28m ago· 46 neighborhoods in Lost & Found

M  O 

Wonderful! Happy news!


L L, · 

Great news. Wishing the best for Julius and his new family


K B · 

Thank is fantastic!


M  M,

Burt is a hero!!!!! Thank you Burt.
  (Editor Burt’s  note: Julius, JS and others are the heroes)

A K,


C H, · go

So kind of all of you.


A M,

That is fantastic


L  U  ,

Julius ? Is that the old Orange kitty
Joseph Smigelski

J S, ·1d ago

Yes, Orange Julius. Someone has finally given him a home.


L  U ·1d ago



Burt Kaufman

Burt Kaufman,

Thanks to Joseph and all concerned as I am happy to say Julius has a nice new indoor home. So far so good .He seems to be a wonderful cat,check s out at vet and now being appropriately spoiled. THANKS for giving us a wonderful new furry friend to help fill the void after loss of Ornji https://favoritefurryfriends.info .will report back with updates if interest .Burt, Zack and Orange Julius

K T,

Oh Burt – thank you for this lovely update and happy ending! Sending much love to you and Julius and your family.


Kat Toups,

And thank you to Joseph as well for taking the initiative to reach out and help find a home for Julius. It was obvious how much you cared and wanted this to happen.

Burt Kaufman

Burt Kaufman, ·1d ago

Yes, joseph is the one who really made it happen keeping Julius close until i could pick him up

L  L, · 

Would love to hear how he dos at settling in. Thank you for taking him in


L U 

May he live like a king the rest of his days

K D, · 

Yay! So happy to hear that (Orange) Julius the cat has a new home! I was looking for a home for him as well. Another ‘happy ending’ story in NextDoor! 🙂

Burt Kaufman

Burt Kaufman,

Credit all of you and NextDoor. Will send a photo soon once Julius settles in some more but he’s enjoying his new in door palace looking out from a big window catbird perch

A M · 

Wow this is so amazing thank you thank thank you I can’t wait to hear more about Julius’s new adventures.

L L  

Can’t wait to see a picture of him in his new palace — he used to live across the street and I am so happy he has found his new home!

Suzan Jordan

Suzan Jordan, ·1d ago

Thank you for your kindness, Burt.

Joseph Smigelski

J S  · 

I want to publicly thank Burt for adopting Julius. He needed a good home. He seemed to us to really want to be an indoor cat.

Gloria Dal Poggetto

G  D  P , ·1d ago


A K,

I second that! Thank you Burt- and congrats to Julius!??


J H, ·  

Thanks also to Joe and Cari

Burt Kaufman

Burt Kaufman, · 

As promised, here’s Julius in his private palace replete with bay window to view wildlife, cat trees {2}, litter boxes (2), scratching posts (2), catnip banana, cat grass, dry and wet quality cat food morn and night and toys when im with him (yes ,he plays often). He’ll graduate to whole house in another day or two but seems happy in his private pethouse,er, penthouse for now, eating well,etc… He got good report,so far , at vet Monday where he also had nails trimmed; should have lab report back shortly. Will update. Thanks for your care and interest for our (yours and our)special cat, ‘king’ Julius
Burt Kaufman

Burt Kaufman, ·8h ago

Julius coming off his catbird seat to greet me. What a guy!
Ginger Cooper

G C , · 

Awe yay Burt!! Julius can finally have the home he’s wanted for so long


Burt Kaufman

Burt Kaufman, · 

Close and personal

L  U , · 

Lucky Julius, his ship finally came in

L L· 

Burt. You are definitely the right “person” for Julius. I am so happy for you both! Thank you for the great pics and the update.


Suzan Jordan

S  J, go

What a great situation. That is one lucky cat!

Burt Kaufman

Burt Kaufman, ·7h ago

Its nice to give cats outdoor exposure if they really want it but I’ve found the older cats I’ve had  actually have preferred to be indoors. Julius appears to be one of these. To give the best of both worlds I am a proponent of ‘indoor-outdoor’ cat ‘extensions ‘ -large cages that can connect to your patio sliding door. I set this up for only the cost of the cages and my last two cats have loved them.https://favoritefurryfriends.info (scroll down to see pictures and videos of Ornji and Zack enjoying their SAFE indoor -outdoor lives. ) No reason for our cats to be endangered roaming the mean streets. I will be happy to help others set these pet ‘extensions’ that improve pet quality of life while keeping our furry friends safe.
Burt Kaufman

K  K,

What a lucky buddy and family–very happy you found each other. Thanks for being his happily ever after! 🙂

K T 

What a difference a day (or two) makes! Thanks for making my day and posting these sweet pictures!

Julius leaving his penthouse catbird seat to greet us


HIGH FIVE- That’s a real picture of Julius’ new brother, Zack, who was rescued several years back, having gained a lot of weight after he was rescued, near death, with fatty liver disease. It is much easier to put weight on that to get it off but we are slowly helping Zack get back to his old playing weight. Julius’ predecessor, Ornji , can be seen in pictures that follow this post; note his striking similarity to Julius


July 9, 2017 

As noted briefly already in ND, Julius had his lab results come back , yesterday.  Getting the (not so) bad news out of the way, first, we learned that Julius has ‘hypothyroidism’ which will be treated with a special diet be began yesterday (so far so good – he is eating it). He also has a parasite, perhaps round worms that will be dealt with at Julius’ next vet appointment in three weeks. Now we know that Julius must be at least 10 years old to have hypothyroidism. We are also told that it is a good thing that Julius is off the streets and being treated as he probably wouldn’t survive another hot summer outdoors, otherwise. The GOOD NEWS is that he does’t have FIV(aids), FELV (leukemia) or any of the other life-threatening diseases -though it sometimes takes six months to confirm no latent diseases that are still latent in the system …we learned this 20 years ago with our first (orange) cat, Juicy, was originally diagnosed as FIV negative only to pass after seven months after full blown AIDS manifested itself… But, we’re thinking positive and Julius is being treated at the best vet hospital in town and even supported by one of our own ND vet technicians.



Though KT says the following ‘skinny orange cat’ is/was a different cat than Julius, I’m not so sure. Julius is on the thin side. And, since this ‘other’ string ended just days before  we adopted Julius. Perhaps there was one more temporary guardian, ‘J’ who kept Julian close and fed him well just before we adopted him. So, I think it may well be the same cat, now our Julius. If so,  I feel the more sorry for the long wait and what Julius had to endure, being passed around. If this is true, I’m all the more grateful we adopted him after the long wait. Timing was right for us this time. If it’s not our Julius, I hope Adrianne or whoever was able to take care of this cat. Again, since the string ended I’m hoping she was OR that it WAS Julius who we were able to help… Imagine what this cat had to go through to find a home. We always wonder what our adopted cats went through in ‘earlier’ lives… well, this is the sort of thing – and it might have happened to our own , new cat. who, by the way, seems VERY happy now in his new, PERMANENT, home. 


Camille Kodama,

Anyone looking for this skinny orange cat?

It come to the neighborhood nearby Rancho Elementary School neighborhood a lot. It is here again asking for food at a house at Corwin Drive. It is very skinny. Looks like it maybe run out for awhile. Whenever it visit will keep asking for food.

4 Jun · 34 neighborhoods in Lost & Found
· 61 Replies
Pauline Lowrey

PW –·4 Jun

Poor kitty. Are you feeding? Can you catch for a rescue to help rehabilitate / check for microchip? Thx for trying to help an animal in need.

·4 Jun
Awwww por Kitty she probably has worms… if you’re feeding her and if you have a garlic oil pill at your house try to sneak some of that oil in her food and also you can mince some carrot in her food to…might help her with the worms IF, she has some

KT ·4 Jun
Oh how sad…It seems like she doesn’t get enough food or is sickly! Is someone there to feed her regularly?? So sad…

Camille Kodama

CK ·5 Jun

I don’t live at that address. During our visit last weekend it show up and they told it come sometime. It looks like it is very dirty and may have fleas or possibly sick. It is not friendly to our puppy. So, it maybe in the wild for awhile.
Camille Kodama

CK  ·5 Jun

I hope someone will claim it too. It is not afraid of people. But not sure will let anyone touch it.
Camille Kodama

CK, ·5 Jun

The family who lives there not always home. They giving him/her a little bit of cat food. I have no idea what kind or brand. I am allergic to cat so not planning to get too close to it. If anyone can claim it will be the best or help to bring it to a shelter or rescue group will be good.
Camille Kodama

CKa, ·5 Jun

It comes and goes no one know where it staying. Or hiding. Maybe those who lives in Alamo west side can help it?! Again so far I only happened to seen it twice. I was told it visit sometimes. I am animal lovers and do not want it to be harm by wild animals or get sick etc.

KT, ·5 Jun

This is super sad…are there people that can trap this cat and get her the help she needs?

L·5 Jun

Whatever you do, DONT give him a garlic pill as previously suggested. It will kill him and it will be a very painful death !

Cindy Humphrey

CH, ·5 Jun

Where exactly can you see this cat. Is there an address. I will take food and see if he/she will let me pet her/him.

Kt, ·5 Jun

Thank You Liz! Garlic is not good for animals…it’s a myth!

Pauline Lowrey

PL, ·5 Jun


Camille Kodama

CK, ·6 Jun

No worries I did not offer it any garlic. As of address I can only give you Corwin Drive Alamo area. Sorry! I don’t live there cannot help whoever trying to found or catch it. I just knew it apparently go there regular base lately.

Edna Nguyen

EN ·6 Jun

The cat is emaciated and looks ill. Can’t anyone take it in? So sad to see this!
Tj Regacho

Tj R  ·7 Jun

Camille,since you don’t live at the address the cat was located, is the owner at the address willing to communicate with one of us? If the owner is unwilling, I would suggest calling ARF or Sage to see if they can send someone to retrieve the little guy/gal.

Adriane Winslow

aw, ·7 Jun

Hi Camille, I sent you a private message with my information. I lost my cat a few months ago and haven’t had any luck locating him despite checking all the local resources. When I saw this post, I couldn’t help but wonder if this might be him. Could you pass along my information to your friend and ask them to call me if they see this cat? Even if it’s not my cat, I’m still willing to pick it up and take it to ARF to make sure it can have a safe home (and be nursed back to health). Thank you!

Camille Kodama

CK, ·7 Jun

As far as I understand ARF will not take in any regular animals. They are special on trying to get dogs and cats which are having difficulty to be placed from other shelters or rescue groups only. Even they have been trying they still cannot fit all the almost due to death row dogs and cats. I don’t know if they have someone who can help out trying to catch it. I will give them a call today to see what can we do with this poor cat. I am sorry if your cat is missing! I hope you found him soon. For those who private PM me, I will pass on the information and see what do the family think. Because it is no longer anyone pet it just come and goes it maybe difficult to capture it. I have heard a friend of mine living in southern Cal that some people made a temporary bed like box for wild cats. I don’t know how and if that will help but just thinking maybe that will help to get it rest that in order to track it.
Amy Kahn

Amy Kahn, ·7 Jun

Community Concern for Cats or feral cat foundation might be able to help
Amy Kahn

Amy Kahn, ·7 Jun

Community Concern for Cats or feral cat foundation might be able to help

Camille Kodama

Camille Kodama, ·7 Jun

For now I asked the family to buy cat food to get it to come back and hopefully it will. I will call around to see what do ARF, and other shelters suggestions and if they will offer to get someone professional to trap the cat.

Camille Kodama

Camille Kodama, ·7 Jun

I am asked them about helping to capture it. I did not have an answer yet. But, they will feed the cat again if it come back.

Diane Arndt

Diane Arndt, ·7 Jun

If it is a feral cat, it does not want to be touched or caught. But it does need food. There are many people who just provide for feral cats in their own community. They do not bring them in the house but do make sure they don’t starve. Perhaps if you google “feral cat management” you can get some tips.
Susannah May

Susannah May, ·7 Jun

Camille said in an earlier response that the cat is not afraid of people. Makes me think it’s not feral? Years ago a neighbor’s cat moved into my yard. I started feeding her because I could put my hand around her and touch my fingers together, she was so thin. When asked about the cat the “owner” said “she lives outside and catches mice”. Pj
Susannah May

Susannah May, ·7 Jun

Note- phone slipped and message posted itself prematurely!

Edna Nguyen

, ·7 Jun

ARF will not take the cat – unlikely any other rescues will either. All rescues are FULL and desperately need fosters. The shelters are at capacity — especially Martinez and Pinole and they are euthanizing animals. I don’t think it’s a feral cat and I’d bet it was dumped or left behind to fend for itself.en. It’s mostly likely older, obviously emaciated and with the poor coat it looks like it’s ill. CC4C is also full. They need fosters for bottle feeding babies. They have adoption events at Petco on Sat & Sun from 1-4. You can pop in and ask them for advise. They would freely give suggestions plus they lend out cat traps. Many times I’ve taken in kitties who have no hope, such as that poor soul. I wish someone would intervene, he/she wouldn’t take up much room, because that is the only hope that fella has. I would take him/her but I have several fosters that can’t be around cats.

Cindy Humphrey

Cindy Humphrey, ·7 Jun

I would be willing to help this cat. Is there a particular time it comes for dinner. Does someone on this thread live near by? If someone could call me or give me a time I will try. Please keep feeding obviously it’s feels safe enough to come back for food.

Adriane Winslow

Adriane Winslow, ·7 Jun

I’m with Cindy, and happy to help too!

Camille Kodama

Camille Kodama, ·9 Jun

Thanks for everyone attention! I wish those who loss your cat will found it soon. Update: ARF cannot do much only transferred me to their service phone voice mail and have not hear back from them yet. CCforCat replied today replied me this morning suggested keep feeding hopefully it will return. The lady gave me a shelter at Dublin phone number to call to seek for help and other organizations to loan the trap. I already forwarded information to the family at Alamo. They will try to figure it out what to do next other than feeding it as they already did. I hope this cat can be found again and also microchipped. Thanks for those who offered for help, if we need further help I will contact you! If you can also PM me your numbers. Hope for the best for now.

Karen Spater

Karen Spater, ·9 Jun

If the cat were feral, he/she would not sit at the door/window looking in; curl up on the doormat; or be ok with strangers (as it sounds like it is). It looks very emaciated and will not survive much longer, like this. I personally took in and adopted a previously found senior emaciated stray cat on Nextdoor. He turned out to be sick (I brought him for full vetting upon picking him up from the Nextdoor person). We got him treatment and he lived extremely happily inside only on medical treatment for the balance of his life (which turned out to be 13 months in our home). We named him Cecil (after Cecil the Lion; it was July 2015. He was about 15 years old when we adopted him having never met him. He had Lymphoma. Thru medical treatment, he gained over 2 pounds; his coat came back; and he wanted for nothing. Senior rescues are the most rewarding, if you’ve never been thru it. Senior pets are so grateful to be loved and cared for. I had 2 prior Lymphoma kitties so, I had experience and we figured one of our kitties “sent” Cecil to us knowing we’d help him. I would do it again without hesitation. I won’t deny having to say goodbye 13 months later (last August 2016) was bittersweet. I tell you all about Cecil and our experience in the hope that someone reads this and thinks “maybe I too can jump in to help/adopt this Nextdoor kitty.” This kitty is desperate for help (likely more than just food). He/she must get to a good vet. Do not just assume it’s worms or just living as a stray. It could be literally anything (lack of food; bad teeth; hyperthyroid or kidney issues or anything). I’d offer to help with his/her care but, we literally just adopted a stray I posted about a month ago who is a senior that nobody claimed — and she’s blind. No people came looking for her at the shelter. We posted everywhere. She deserved a second chance and got it in our home. In addition to the blind kitty, I’ve got my 4th Lymphoma kitty currently who is a senior; and another senior kitty who is just plain rambunctious. So my home is set for medical care kitties right now. I am willing to assist in going to find this kitty with people; coaxing it; getting it into a carrier and I can refer you to several amazing vets to get kitty seen immediately. I beg someone with a big heart to take a chance on helping this cat. He/she might have a chip and perhaps their humans located but, if not, this cat needs serious and quick assistance — not just cat food. A fluffy kitten is wonderful but helping a cat in dire need is much more rewarding. It might be for a short time or years….that’s the gamble. It’s worth it. Perhaps someone here has lost or had to say goodbye to a beloved pet in the past year or so and thought they could never give love to another pet. Maybe this is a sign for you? PM me and let’s figure out how to get this cat the help it needs. #whorescueswho #adoptthelessadoptable

Cindy Humphrey

Cindy Humphrey, ·9 Jun

Thank you hear to help foster or whatever if need be. Thank you kind souls.
Camille Kodama

Camille Kodama, ·9 Jun

Yes it is one of my main concern is the health condition of the cat other than just hungry and skinny. I do hoping to see someone to claim it or willing to foster it. If we are unable to found its owner.

Karen Trestrail

Karen Trestrail, ·10 Jun

I agree with Karen! This kitty needs help ~ looks like it can’t wait for it’s owners to be found! Can someone catch him & take him to a vet?

Edna Nguyen

Edna Nguyen, ·10 Jun

In the condition it’s in, it probably doesn’t have an owner. Can you catch it?

Karen Spater

Karen Spater, ·11 Jun

Any update on kitty?
Adriane Winslow

Adriane Winslow, ·13 Jun

I walked the neighborhood yesterday with my cousin and her two kids trying to call the cat (we walked Corwin, Hemes, and the street between the two and the school) we also asked any neighbors we saw if they had seen a scrawny cat, but no one had and were not aware that one had been roaming the neighborhood. Not sure if Camille’s connection has seen it since she posted her most recent reply.

Karen Trestrail

Karen Trestrail, ·13 Jun

So very sweet of you Adriane❣️ Maybe try in the early evening also…

Camille Kodama

Camille Kodama, ·13 Jun

I saw the orange cat on Sunday almost noon time when I stopped by their house. It was there to ask for food again. I have talked to them and they said they will try to contact those rescue group to seek for assistance. I don’t know further.
Karen Spater

Karen Spater, ·13 Jun

Hi Camille, Maybe you could put your friends in contact with a couple of us that can try to catch this sweet kitty to get it some help (at least get it scanned for a microchip to see if its owners are near)? Many rescue groups are overwhelmed with kitten season right now and I don’t think a feral rescue group would be the right situation for such an outgoing friendly cat. Would you reach out to your friends and ask if they’d be willing to speak to someone here who can help? Thx, Karen
Camille Kodama

Camille Kodama, ·13 Jun

I have been forwarding things and also asking them to follow this post. Thanks!

Karen Spater

Karen Spater, ·24 Jun

What is the latest on this poor thin cat? Has someone (your friends or others) attempted to catch the cat to help it, yet? With the temps we just had, I pray the cat has access to food and water but, truthfully, I still wholeheartedly believe this cat needs HELP (in addition to food and water help, that is).

Camille Kodama

Camille Kodama, ·27 Jun

The family has been feeding the cat. It is still hard to figure out when will it be coming. One of the lady has contacted me thinking it maybe her cat. I have talked with her over the phone will try to meet up and see if we can get it soon.

Karen Spater

Karen Spater, ·27 Jun

Thanks for the update, Camille. I know it is difficult to figure out when the cat will appear. If the family is feeding it, there is “some routine” (I realize the cat isn’t appearing at set hours). Knowing that, and knowing there is a woman who thinks this might be her cat….I’d recommend two things. 1) Have that woman ready to drop everything and come over the very next time the family or you sees the cat (literally call or text her and have her drive right over) and 2) have a couple others that have offered here “at the ready” the moment the cat is seen, to be called or texted to come right over to attempt to catch the cat. Once you or the family has people lined up to assist, it is just a matter of waiting for the cat to appear and getting the people over quickly. That’s all it takes. Surely, if several are “at the ready,” at least one will be available the moment they are contacted (day or night). Conditions will never be perfect for this (could be early morning; could be late night; could be a Tuesday versus a weekend…..) but, the cat does need help. And, if the woman who thinks it might be her cat is not available the moment it is spotted, get one of the others who is lined up to help catch it, keep it safe with food and water and litter box in a room, and get the woman who thinks it might be hers to come look at it and interact with it to see if it is hers before moving on to the next step which would be getting it seen by a vet for a microchip/help…… If you need people to help try to catch it (I think there are several here who offered earlier in June when you first posted), please reach out.

Burt Kaufman

Burt Kaufman, ·27 Jun

If the cat needs a home we might be able to help…and catching it Burt 9257883316
Amy Kahn

Amy Kahn, ·27 Jun

Thank you Burt! Thank you! Amy Kahn, private music studio •*¨*•♫♪.. ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨*•♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸
Camille Kodama

Camille Kodama, ·1 Jul

Hi everyone happy news! I am just too excited to let you all know that one of our neighbor Adriane and the family of the house managed to capture the cat today. She said it is not her cat but she will take care of it and help it. Thank you my hero! And it is amazing how this works out ??????????????

Liliana Bringolf

Liliana Bringolf, ·1 Jul

Camille He is now on my front porch. I left you a private message with my address. He is crying and seems very distressed.

Liliana Bringolf

Liliana Bringolf, ·1 Jul

If anyone else wants to come by and pick him up private message me. He is outside and will stay outside. I’m allergic to cats.
Liliana Bringolf

Liliana Bringolf, ·1 Jul

This cat would be very easy to catch he came right up to me wanting me to pet him. If someone can come it would be perfect. He seems very affectionate and friendly
Jackie Sisto

Jackie Sisto, ·1 Jul

please call community care for cats. They are doing amazing work in our neighborhood with strays. I knew there were a lot but after just one week they have done wonders. Three females and one male have been trapped, spayed/neutered, vaccinated, ear clipped and returned to their original location. Eight kittens are in foster care until adoption. This is in one small area in the last two weeks!!. If you feed feral cats they need to be neutered. I have seen many cats and kittens die in our area due to the life they must lead and interbreeding. Call Carole Reese 925-300-7261 [email protected] one of their dedicated volunteers. They do wonderful work and need our support as well as financial support for their new clinic. Homeless cats and kittens are a neighborhood concern. Thank goodness they have existed for many years. communityconcernforcats.org

Karen Spater

Karen Spater, ·2 Jul

Wait….I’m confused. Camille said 5 hours ago this skinny orange cat was caught by the family whose house it kept showing up at and Adriane (who was taking the cat to care for it). But 3 hours ago, Liliana says the same cat(?) is at her front door and super friendly and easy to catch? How can this be the same cat? Camille? Adriane?? Liliana?? Can you clarify if there is now a second orange friendly cat? I’d love to know the status of the original skinny orange cat posted here.

Liliana Bringolf

Liliana Bringolf, ·2 Jul

I saw the photos of the cat already posted here. Looks like the same cat to me. Doesn’t appear to have anything wrong with him/her. I had just parked my car in my garage when I heard a cat meowing. He came to me instantly and rubbed against my legs when I went out and found him waiting. Now, in my opinion, he looks to be at a healthy weight. It’s a clean cat as far as appearance goes. He was squinting his eyes when looking up at me but may have been because of my bright porch light. Someone here recommended I call someone who helps lost cats. And I left a message at that number. I will post here again if I see him today. In case owner is following this thread.

Liliana Bringolf

Liliana Bringolf, ·2 Jul

I started another post because I was able to take better photos this morning.

Karen Spater

Karen Spater, ·2 Jul

Looking at both orange cats pics, they appear to be two different cats. One is clearly a healthier weight (the newer cat) in its pics on the other post by Liliana, it also appears it has less striping overall in its coat than this skinny one. Compare the “rings” on the two cats tails…. I can easily see the eye color in Liliana’s other post and in these posts of this skinny cat, the tiny bit of eye color I can barely see appears a lighter color…. Camille and Adriane, can you confirm the skinny orange kitty is still safe with you and no longer outside wandering? Thank you for helping this sweet cat. And thanks Liliana for posting about the other kitty…..

Adriane Winslow

Adriane Winslow, ·2 Jul

Hi Karen and Liliana, I have the orange skinny cat in this post, currently in my garage safe and as happy as he can be. He is VERY skinny but is eating and drinking and was able to rest last night. He is not a feral cat given his behaviors and knowledge to use the litter box. It is not my lost cat, but I am willing to watch and feed and talk to him until I can get him to see a vet (poor timing with the holiday).

Karen Spater

Karen Spater, ·2 Jul

Thanks for the update, Adriane. And thank you for housing him; feeding him; loving him — and getting him seen at the vet. Keep us posted on how things go with the vet visit. I’m sure he’s so happy to have a place to curl up safely and relax.

Cindy Humphrey

Cindy Humphrey, ·2 Jul

Great News! Thank you kind people. — *Cindy M. Humphrey* Customer Service Representative Walnut Creek #406 1115 Broadway Plaza Walnut Creek, CA 94596 W 925.947.3500 This email and any attachments may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or subject to attorney/client privilege, attorney work product, intellectual property or other protections. If you have received this email in error, please delete the message and any attachments and notify the sender immediately. Please do not disseminate, copy or distribute this information.

Karen Trestrail

Karen Trestrail, ·4d ago

Adrianne ~ You are very kind to do this for this sweet kitty!!!! I’m so happy for him! Please keep us updated…YOU’RE THE BEST <3
Theresa Johanson

Theresa Johanson, ·4d ago

Did the skinny Orange Cat get a home?
Burt Kaufman

Burt Kaufman, ·4d ago Jun3 30, 2017 (first day I even heard of Julius and his plight, just by a chance vist to Next Door, even though I was planning to adopt a cat from my vet… and the story only gets better. Julius is exactly the type of cat I would want to (and did) adopt

Yes, Julius has a new home and were delighted as i think he is.. Checked with vet to make sure he wasnt chipped and belong to someone. He seems to be happy so far in his new home. Will update https://favoritefurryfriends.info Thsnks to Joseph for heeping Julius until i got there and everyones encouragement Burt
Karen Trestrail

Karen Trestrail, ·4d ago

Burt ~ this is NOT Julius!!! This is a different cat. I private messaged you about Julius! (Editor’s note: There is some question about this.  Read on to the bottom and decide for yourslef)
Karen Trestrail

Karen Trestrail, ·4d ago

Theresa ~ It seems as though ADRIANNE has rescued this very skinny sickly looking kitty. See post from her above…


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