Chimp and Dog Fast Friends in Myrtle Beach, NC

Suryia and Roscoe live at the Tigers sanctuary in Myrtle Beach , South Carolina .. The orangutan was in the rescue center and was not doing well. This old hound wandered in, truly emaciated, and the orangutan took to him the moment the dog arrived. He stayed with the hound night and day until he was well and during the process found a reason to live. Contribution from BLAKE,Vancouver, BC – 2-10:
‘We have been dealing with LOVE for the last week or so, WOW even the animals know how, we could take lessons from them.. Have a wonderful day today.. God bless each and everyone of you abundantly..’

Apparently a dog isn’t just man’s best friend.

Suryia and Roscoe even have their own webpage,

Ways to simplify your life:   Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.

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