Doris Day Remembers Duffy with Duffy’s Lifesaving Program

doris day and duffy
Actress and Animal Rights Activist DORIS DAY has long been a leading proponent of pets and animals. Like many of us she has found the joy of animals and pets especially rewarding , especially against the backdrop of a life of many down times.  She continues to run her Doris Day Animal Foundation out of Los Angeles and her home in Carmel Valley, California.  Her  recent pet program deals with special needs animals,  probably an area under- represented. We can’t imagine a better place to donate if you’re so inclined . Here’s  more from her website

Doris Remembers Duffy

Many of us believe that dogs are one of God’s most perfect creatures. We cherish every single moment with them — especially in the autumn of their years. We look back on when they were puppies, romping and playing, tearing up newspaper and chewing on furniture.  We marvel at how they’ve bonded with us, and we come to realize they are among the few creatures in this world capable of giving unconditional love.

No matter what happens, our 4-leggers are always there for us — through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, loneliness and happy moments — they are there, never judging. They take a place in our heart that is immoveable. And when the years have taken their toll and they can no longer romp and play, they continue to give us all the love in their hearts. Although they can sometimes barely walk, they look at us adoringly, seeking our guidance and help. We feel helpless at these times, and our eyes may fill with tears as we try to provide some comfort.  Our senior babies deserve every bit of love and care we can give, for they have given their all to us in exchange for nothing more than a kind word, a gentle pat or a kiss on the head.  When we look into their eyes, we see the soul of our creator. And as hard as it may be, when their lives become too difficult and the pain and suffering is unbearable, we can give them the greatest gift of all, the peaceful journey into God’s loving arms.

I say all this in memory of the darling babies I have lost over the years — and especially for my adorable Duffy, who passed away just recently. Some of you are familiar with the Duffy Day Lifesaving Program, funded by my Foundation, for animals with special needs who might not otherwise have a chance at life. I thought it would be a fitting tribute to my little Duffy – and to all of the 4-leggers who have enriched our lives – if we created a special memorial fund that would provide resources to the Duffy Day Lifesaving Program.  So many doggies and kitties have been given another chance by the Duffy Day program, especially senior babies!  I want to ensure we can continue our good work to this end, so we are adding a special Duffy Day memorial donation pageto the DDAF website where you can donate to the Duffy Day Lifesaving Program in memory of a special baby who was dear to you, or in memory of Duffy.

I know that economic times are still difficult for many of you, but if you can, please donate today. Any amount is sincerely appreciated.



AUGUST 12, 2013

Rose Marie’s Special Birthday Gift to DDAF

We at the Doris Day Animal Foundation are very excited about Doris’ great friend Rose Marie’s upcoming 90th birthday! August 15 is the Big Day, and as a ramp-up to the celebration, Rose Marie has been encouraging her fans and friends to send donations to DDAF! Here’s what our founder had to say about Rose Marie: I am so thrilled to be part of celebrating my friend Rose Marie’s 90th birthday. We had great fun working on the set of my television show. In fact, I’ve never had so much fun workin… » Read more
JUNE 11, 2013

Doris and Duffy Join Nancy Sinatra on SiriusXM Radio June 23

Carmel, Calif. – Nancy Sinatra and Doris Day share a love of music, movies and animals, and on June 23, SiriusXM Radio’s “Nancy for Frank” features Ms. Day in a 3-hour program with wonderful animal stories and memories to accompany the music. “It’s the biggest and best show we’ve done,” Ms. Sinatra said of the upcoming broadcast.  The show will feature a number of songs recorded by both Mr. Sinatra and Ms. Day, played back-to-back. The song… » Read more
FEBRUARY 6, 2013

Doris Day Songbook to Benefit DDAF

Sales from the Doris Day Songbook, available now through and publisher Hal Leonard, will benefit the Doris Day Animal Foundation.  The Songbook is a collection of 15 of Doris’ much-loved tunes, including all-time classic “Que Sera Sera” and one of Doris’ sentimental favorites from her record-breaking “My Heart” CD, “Happy Endings.”  Doris will donate 100 percent of her royalties from Songbook sales to DDAF. “It’s so important to me that the great music that inspired me th… » Read more
JANUARY 20, 2013

Own a Piece of Cinema History – and Help the Animals!

The Doris Day Animal Foundation has opened an eBay auction for some very special pieces of movie memorabilia:  three reproductions of  the full script of “Pillow Talk,” Doris Day and Rock Hudson’s 1959  box-office smash.  All proceeds from the sale of these scripts will go to DDAF, to aid our grantees and their animal rescue and welfare programs. To view the auction and consider a bid, visit the Foundation’s eBay auctions.  Bidding for each script will begin at $200.&… » Read more

Author: admin

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